Yesterday while I was googling, I found a torrent-client called Transmission. It's a freeware and very light, very simple with its interface, and also it's very easy to configure maximum download or upload rates, at least it doesn't make me so confused anymore. It works on my Mac OS Tiger 10.4.9.
Read more : here and screenshot
Download : Tiger version or other available OS
P.S : I'll capture its freeware on my desktop later .. *Peace*
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Opera Mini 4
Opera Mini is the one of web browser application that we know so far. The feature are (based on operamini's site) :
- Sync Your Digital Lifestyle. Now you can use Opera Link with Opera Mini 4 to synchronize your mobile phone web links with the web links on your computer. Simply log in to a My Opera account through your phone, to sync your bookmarks, or access them from any other browser by going to a Link web page.
- View Pages in Landscape mode. Want to view the Web on a wider screen? Just hit * # and flip your phone to the side to enjoy browsing in Landscape mode. Change your default view to landscape by turning "Landscape mode" on inside your Settings menu.*
- Give Your Phone A Mouse. Opera Mini now gives you a virtual mouse, so you can easily scroll in any direction. Move the mouse cursor towards what you want, and then it quickly snaps your view to the link or content.
- Enhanced Small Screen Rendering. Opera's unique Small Screen Rendering feature, "Mobile View," lets you better enjoy web pages on the small screen. Fit any web page to width and Opera Mini 4 will adjust the page structure on the fly. Browse up and down without also having to worry about horizontal scrolling. Instead, scroll down a single column, perfectly resized for your phone.
- Auto-sized for Your Phone's Screen. Opera Mini 4 dynamically changes the size of text and images, making it more convenient to read — so less scrolling is required to read content.
- and many more
Download : opera mini 4
Swiss Manager (Free) UIQ3 v.1.60
Review :
Swiss Manager is a system utility, providing task manager, file manager and system information services. The freeware Swiss Manager is an essential addition to your UIQ3 phone!
Major features:
- Management of running programs (task information, task switch, task exit).
- Release memory by exiting all running programs at once, optionally when closing the flip or after idle time.
- Navigation throughout the phone''s drives and their entire file system.
- File management (copy, move, delete, rename).
- Displaying the amount of free memory and disk space.
- Useful system information (device characteristics, system uptime, battery level, IMEI number, etc.).
Since I've some problems with Swiss Manager Pro and the 'key', I realise to look for the same applications. I found Swiss Manager UIQ. It's freeware so it means we don't need its license key. So far, the differences between this app and SMP (Swiss Manager Pro) that I've known is the level of the Memory reclaim. In this freeware, it only have 2 levels of memory reclaim beside the SMP have 3 levels.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
GDesk 0.24
GDesk is a freeware that make us possible to create our own theme in SE P990i. This application running in every UIQ3 mobile phone. We can create our phone's theme like iPhone, Vista, etc. What we need is just the icon and applications which are already installed in our phone.
You can download the application in here or you can read here. There were a lot of contributors uploaded their own theme that create with GDesk.
Lonely Cat Games Slick 0.36
Short review :
Slick is messenger application for mobile devices. It allows you to chat with your friends connected though various online messaging applications. Currently it is still in development, and alpha version is available for free for public testing.I have SE P990i Mobile phone and I installed a freeware that can chat with multiple messenger. Somehow, I choose LCG Slick than IM+ because it lighter than IM+. LSC Slick make me possible to listen the mp3 while I'm chatting. But it impossible with IM+. Sometimes when I listen to the mp3, IM+ quit itself.
You can get the software here. You can choose the correct version for your mobile phone.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Can't Broadcast Myself
Few months ago, my friend said that there's a way to make blog instead of 'type' it. He said v-blog or video Blog. I found that YouTube could make it but unfortunately I have a connection problem which it can't watch very fast just like we watch some television.
In my hometown (Yogyakarta), I use one provider (with cabble connection) who have a personal connection program that each of customer can access the internet with 5-7KBps each. I must pay IDR 385,000/month. Luckyly, this program included th cabble TV and unlimited access. Well, I taught that it's the best way if I compared with my activities which stay in front of my PC or notebook hourly.
If I want to download 1 episode TV Series, I have to downloaded it for about 9 hours and I usually downloaded it at night when I go to sleep. The same way if I want to watch YouTube. Sometimes I have to wait for 15-20 minutes just to watch 2 or 3 minutes video upload. If I opened someone's BLOG which contains of YouTube's Video, I closed it suddenly because it made slow my connections. I can't upload any file with fast connection because its uplink very sucks. So I've never upload it to any sites except IIX sites. I've never like to upload video on YouTube because sometimes in the middle of proccess, it always broken.
Others people likes to upload their video because they can broadcast theirselfs but not for me because I can't broadcast myself.
In my hometown (Yogyakarta), I use one provider (with cabble connection) who have a personal connection program that each of customer can access the internet with 5-7KBps each. I must pay IDR 385,000/month. Luckyly, this program included th cabble TV and unlimited access. Well, I taught that it's the best way if I compared with my activities which stay in front of my PC or notebook hourly.
If I want to download 1 episode TV Series, I have to downloaded it for about 9 hours and I usually downloaded it at night when I go to sleep. The same way if I want to watch YouTube. Sometimes I have to wait for 15-20 minutes just to watch 2 or 3 minutes video upload. If I opened someone's BLOG which contains of YouTube's Video, I closed it suddenly because it made slow my connections. I can't upload any file with fast connection because its uplink very sucks. So I've never upload it to any sites except IIX sites. I've never like to upload video on YouTube because sometimes in the middle of proccess, it always broken.
Others people likes to upload their video because they can broadcast theirselfs but not for me because I can't broadcast myself.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Download from XCODE 2.4.1 from Apple's site
A few weeks ago, I downloaded XCODE 2.4.1 from Apple's site. There were some problems when I downloaded that applications. I live in Indonesia and some of the town have low-speed Internet connection. If we want to have high-speed connection, we have to pay a lot. Eventhough I use a cable modem, I just can access with 6KBps in the morning until afternoon and I can access with 10-12KBps at night 'til 7 AM in the next morning. Well I can said that you have to be patient if you want to download some applications from any sites.
When I downloaded XCODE from Apple's site, I found that it couldn't be resume after I pause. And it could stopped itself if the connection (my connection) was too low to download it. I have to download so many times and it always stopped when the connection low. I was very desperated. All I just wanted to have is a high-speed Internet connection. And then suddenly, I remembered that I've a friend who lived, studied, and worked in Canada (Calgary). I asked his kindness to downloaded it which had almost 1GB file size. Then once again, I asked his kindness to re-upload in one of the most popular file sharing's site (because I have its account and so did he).
Fortunately, he's very good friend and he said that he needed 1 or two days to donwload and re-upload it. For me, it easier to download XCODE from that file sharing's site than download from Apple's site. When I asked my friend how long it took to download the XCODW from Canada, he said that just 10-15minutes. Wew really fast ..
I just dont understand. Why Apple's Site don't make some mirror sites to download the applications (such as ?
When I downloaded XCODE from Apple's site, I found that it couldn't be resume after I pause. And it could stopped itself if the connection (my connection) was too low to download it. I have to download so many times and it always stopped when the connection low. I was very desperated. All I just wanted to have is a high-speed Internet connection. And then suddenly, I remembered that I've a friend who lived, studied, and worked in Canada (Calgary). I asked his kindness to downloaded it which had almost 1GB file size. Then once again, I asked his kindness to re-upload in one of the most popular file sharing's site (because I have its account and so did he).
Fortunately, he's very good friend and he said that he needed 1 or two days to donwload and re-upload it. For me, it easier to download XCODE from that file sharing's site than download from Apple's site. When I asked my friend how long it took to download the XCODW from Canada, he said that just 10-15minutes. Wew really fast ..
I just dont understand. Why Apple's Site don't make some mirror sites to download the applications (such as ?
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Finally, I've got a new MBP charger
wew after I waited for almost 4 weeks, I've got a new MacBook Pro's charger. It's free because I've bought AppleCare Protection Plan (we can have our 2 years gurantees after the main gurantee). The apple centre in my town said that it was difficult to order any MBP's spare part, or accesories. If there any, there must be a spare part for MacBook. She said that the most user in my town used MacBook. And unfortunately, just a few of us use MacBook Pro. Well an unluckly, my proccessor still Core Duo, not Core 2 Duo, that still have its main problem which is its heat. What can I say. I've to use it because I've spent all my money that I've earned since I was kid.
I also claimed about my battery. Sometimes it wasn't produced energy or in the morning when I woke up and turned on the power, It wouldn't on even I've 10% battery the night before. So, I've to charged the battery before I turned on it. And now the new battery is more powerful than the old one. Thank's to AppleCare Protection Plan and Apple Service Centre ..
I also claimed about my battery. Sometimes it wasn't produced energy or in the morning when I woke up and turned on the power, It wouldn't on even I've 10% battery the night before. So, I've to charged the battery before I turned on it. And now the new battery is more powerful than the old one. Thank's to AppleCare Protection Plan and Apple Service Centre ..
Friday, August 24, 2007
Cable's Charger
Well it was the next problem that I had. It's about my MBP charger. I think it wasn't a secret anymore if the voltage in our home is unstable. And guess what .. my cable's charger has burnt. I couldn't re-charging my MBP since a week ago. So it meant that I must back to my PC.
Few months ago I bought APP (Apple Protection Plan) which was we can had our 2 years guarantee for our apple's product. When I asked the apple service centre, she said that I could claim the charger. But it takes 2 weeks to get the new one. I couldn't think at that time because all of my assignment, my paper hadn't recovered yet. But I was lucky in the last battery's power, I could save my term paper in flashdrive.
Now I still waiting for the new one. I 've already call the service centre and she said that It hadn't already arrived. She said that she gave the urgent label for the order. Hope next monday I will have the new one..
Few months ago I bought APP (Apple Protection Plan) which was we can had our 2 years guarantee for our apple's product. When I asked the apple service centre, she said that I could claim the charger. But it takes 2 weeks to get the new one. I couldn't think at that time because all of my assignment, my paper hadn't recovered yet. But I was lucky in the last battery's power, I could save my term paper in flashdrive.
Now I still waiting for the new one. I 've already call the service centre and she said that It hadn't already arrived. She said that she gave the urgent label for the order. Hope next monday I will have the new one..
Sunday, July 08, 2007
SMC Fan Control
I bet that mac user know about SMC Fan Control. It's a kind like a software which is to increase the RPM speed of processor's fan. I usually use this because if I don't use it, my proc temperatures goin' up to 68 until 70 degrees C and of course it makes me uncomfortable to use it or type its keyboard. To solve that problem, recently I always use the SMC Fan Control to reduce the heat. And it's worked .. !!! It can make the temperature stable in 50 degrees C.
yup we can see above .. on the left side it's our prcessor's RPM that we have for recently. On the right side, there're 2 textbox which are we can adjust the RPM by drag left or right. Picture above is the SMC FanControl (version 1, I think). I found that there was SMC FanControl 2. You can see its picture bellow.
I haven't already familiar to use this version. I like to use the first one because it's very simple to understand also to use it.
I always set it up in the 3000rpm. It isn't too fast and not too slow. I used to set it up on 5000rpm but unfortunately after a few days I used it, the fan made some noise. I don''t know but after a few days I didin't use it, it became norma again. Sounds strange I guess .. ...
So after that experience, I always use the fan control on 3000rpm. And heyy .. my MBP isn't hot anymore .. more comfortable for me at least since apple don't solve the Core Duo logicboard's problem .. (or maybe can't solve the problem .. ?) .. well who knows ..
yup we can see above .. on the left side it's our prcessor's RPM that we have for recently. On the right side, there're 2 textbox which are we can adjust the RPM by drag left or right. Picture above is the SMC FanControl (version 1, I think). I found that there was SMC FanControl 2. You can see its picture bellow.
I haven't already familiar to use this version. I like to use the first one because it's very simple to understand also to use it.
I always set it up in the 3000rpm. It isn't too fast and not too slow. I used to set it up on 5000rpm but unfortunately after a few days I used it, the fan made some noise. I don''t know but after a few days I didin't use it, it became norma again. Sounds strange I guess .. ...
So after that experience, I always use the fan control on 3000rpm. And heyy .. my MBP isn't hot anymore .. more comfortable for me at least since apple don't solve the Core Duo logicboard's problem .. (or maybe can't solve the problem .. ?) .. well who knows ..
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I've got trouble on my audio
Hweee it's been a long time ..
I've a serious activity so I haven't so much time to create a new post here.
Well oke .. my macbook pro has already sent back to Jogja. When I tested it, I felt it wasn't better than before. I don't know why but it seems it was the maximum way to fix my Mac. Of course, it made me sad because I bought this (first) mac with an expensive price (for me). I had to spent my whole life money to bought it. So what can I do again for that ..
Anyway, yesterday, I remembered that I've tried to record my sound (audio). I have a headset and of course there're 2 cables. One cable with the green plug (which is plugged it in the sound port) and the other is the red one (which is plugged it in the audio port). And guess what ? It didn't work !!! I don't know where's the problem. Was it in the headset or in the port .. ? I've tried to look for the information about it but unfortunately there was no information enough to solve my problem.
I tried to sett it in "System Preferences" but it didn't work. I still don't know what the problem ..
I've a serious activity so I haven't so much time to create a new post here.
Well oke .. my macbook pro has already sent back to Jogja. When I tested it, I felt it wasn't better than before. I don't know why but it seems it was the maximum way to fix my Mac. Of course, it made me sad because I bought this (first) mac with an expensive price (for me). I had to spent my whole life money to bought it. So what can I do again for that ..
Anyway, yesterday, I remembered that I've tried to record my sound (audio). I have a headset and of course there're 2 cables. One cable with the green plug (which is plugged it in the sound port) and the other is the red one (which is plugged it in the audio port). And guess what ? It didn't work !!! I don't know where's the problem. Was it in the headset or in the port .. ? I've tried to look for the information about it but unfortunately there was no information enough to solve my problem.
I tried to sett it in "System Preferences" but it didn't work. I still don't know what the problem ..
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Send to Jakarta !!!
Last monday, I brought my mac to Apple's Dealer in Jogja (whic I bought it last year). I'v complained about its display. But 2 weeks before, I've already brought my mac at that place because my logic board has already arrived. Well most of us know that the weakness of the Core Duo MacBook Pro is the heat. It's very disturb me. It could getting hotter and hotter.
My friend who has the same type of mac told me that the heat is the weakness of ours. Even we change the logic board, it doesn't change the heat. And it's true. It doesn't change anything that I complained.
One problem with my mac was its display started to flick. I have this problem since the first time I bought it. I didn't realize it because I thought it usual but suddenly I started to ask the marketing and she said that it's unusual. Then I tried to looking for the information about this and complained that the technician didn't check it carefully when he replaced the logic board. When the other of my friend told me that I must send it to Jakarta, I agree with him. Because it will checked properly with the technician in the center.
The question is how long will it take .. ? I hope not 1 month ..
My friend who has the same type of mac told me that the heat is the weakness of ours. Even we change the logic board, it doesn't change the heat. And it's true. It doesn't change anything that I complained.
One problem with my mac was its display started to flick. I have this problem since the first time I bought it. I didn't realize it because I thought it usual but suddenly I started to ask the marketing and she said that it's unusual. Then I tried to looking for the information about this and complained that the technician didn't check it carefully when he replaced the logic board. When the other of my friend told me that I must send it to Jakarta, I agree with him. Because it will checked properly with the technician in the center.
The question is how long will it take .. ? I hope not 1 month ..
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