
Monday, July 10, 2006

Apache in Mac

well .. when I'm confused to search Apache in my mac, I decided to open php's site. And luckily, I found some link that we could download the mac server's software. There were Apache, mySQL, and PHP for MAC. Then I downloded it and with the instalation guide, finally I could configure the apache server in my mac .. but still couldn't configure PHP in my mac because there was one file that I couldn't edit and save the changes from console. It was httpd.conf file. That's the problem ..

Ow .. almoust forgot .. Maybe you can check the server software for mac here.

Still try to find another way ..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tiger and maybe Leopard also, has included Apache in their operating system, but Apple didn't config to be active at boot time. So, u can just type a few line command like :

#httpd start
#httpd stop
#httpd restart

and if u are going to edit its httpd.conf on /etc/httpd/, you should have root priviledge. U can use unix command like sudo su, for accessing root priviledge.
